Dominic is an action-oriented collaborator who convenes diverse action teams to address complex sustainability challenges. He is facile with group processes and able to thrive within different cultures and sectors. Dominic cares deeply about the Earth, the community of...
Marcelo’s life is dedicated to questioning pre-determined structures and practices of our current culture, finding out and engaging in experiences that provide a new way of living and then sharing this experience with a larger audience, that would otherwise...
Danielle Hirsch worked for three years in Mexico, Paraguay and Kenya during and after her studies in Economics. In 1995 she started working as an international consultant, working for governments and international agencies in Central and South Asia, Latin...
Natalie has nearly thirty years of experience in sustainable materials management including twenty five years with DSM Environmental where she is a Principal. Natalie has worked to improve resource recovery, solid waste management and sanitation throughout the United States...
Dr. Dayna Baumeister is the Co-founder of Biomimicry 3.8. With a devotion to applied natural history and a passion for sharing the genius of nature, Dayna has worked in the field of biomimicry with business partner Janine Benyus since...
Any is a Donella Meadows Leadership Fellow and a LEAD Indonesia Fellow (1998-2000). She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (1991-1995) and a Master’s Degree in Development Studies from the Institute of Social...
Alex is an ever-learning awareness junkie helping people find more connection, agency and meaning in their lives. With a focus on therapeutic and trauma-informed yoga, Alex helps clients find relief from the mind-body manifestations of anxiety, depression, stress and...
Andrea is the African Wildlife Foundation’s Director in Europe, responsible for engaging Africa’s strategic partners to build a future in which human development includes thriving wildlife and extensive wild lands as a cultural and economic asset for Africa’s future...
Josephine is a corporate sustainable investment strategist, sustainable business architect and founder of Sustainable Value Creation Ltd, a consultancy focused on supporting transformation of the global economy to within a safe operating space for humanity. Josephine has over 15...