Sarah K Khan

Maker, scholar, Dana Meadows Fellow. Sarah writes and creates content—prints, photography, films—about food, culture, women, and migrants. She is a former Asian American Writers Workshop fellow and Visiting Scholar at The Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU. A two-time Fulbright scholar, Khan continues her multimedia projects on US and South Asian women farmers (with a brown supershero narrator), Migrant Kitchens, The Cookbook of Gestures, and the Book of Delights. Khan has degrees in Middle Eastern history (BA), public health and nutrition (MPH, MS), and traditional ecological knowledge systems/plant sciences (PhD). @sarahkkhan Twitter & Instagram|

Sarah is available to deliver multimedia undergraduate, graduate, or community lectures on the following topics:

  • Multimedia stories of diverse individuals and how they face rapid climate and environmental changes, Themes include food, culture, migration, and sustainability. 45-90 minutes.
  • Provocative and lively lecture/demonstration on “Mapping the Tongue: Taste and Memory.” Reconnect the senses to memory. 45-90 minutes.
  • A multimedia journey of The Tasting Cultures Foundation, which Sarah founded and directs, presenting the dynamic community projects that past “Meal By Meal” seed grantees have initiated. Grantees are a diverse, national group of artists who work on food and culture; an overview of the “Arts of Foodways Series” of exhibits that occurred in Charleston SC and Milwaukee WI. 45-60 minutes.

Selected Publications
Sarah created a book of poignant photography entitled West African Hands Create Cultivate Cook, available for preview and purchase starting in February, 2014.

Sarah published a three part series on African Origins of Coffee: Following Roots in Ethiopia for Zester Daily, April-May 2013.

Sarah and colleagues wrote an academic article Dietary and built environment assessment in a Midwest Latino community for the American Journal of Health Education in August 2011.

Selected Videos and Podcast
Sarah talks about the Science of Taste, Food, Art and the Senses at University of Wisconsin – Madison in April 2013:


Podcast: Sarah visited Debra Roberts, Natural Beekeeper, Weaverville, NC, August 2012


Sarah interviews Frankie Lee Michael, a Native American Pecan Grower and Processor in Mississippi in 2011:

