Elizabeth Luc Clowes
Delivering Sustainable Projects from Concept to Construction
Landscape Designer & Owner
Boston, Massachusetts
Elizabeth is an innovative and analytical landscape designer with experience in creating sustainable and harmonized landscapes. She is engaged in real time lessons of thriving urban plazas, smart growth, multimodal transport, and community engagement as a resident of Davis Square, Somerville, MA. Elizabeth utilizes blue green infrastructure techniques, and native plant knowledge for projects in both urban and suburban settings. She has broad experience in project management, urban design, and application of nature-based solutions. An engaging speaker with experience holding public meetings, advocating for open space policy, and managing public lands, Liz enjoys conferring with homeowners, civil engineers, local officials, developers, and the public. Skilled at conveying concepts using schematics, AutoCAD drawings, 3d modeling, and renderings, she collaborates with architects and engineers on projects such as complete streets, parks /greenways, and constructed wetlands.
Previously, Liz worked with the Boston Society of Landscape Architects, Boston Architectural College, Friends of the East Boston Greenway, and Fiori Secchi Gardens. Before that, she directed The Food Project in Boston to bring youth and adults together from city and suburb, to grow and distribute healthy food using sustainable agriculture practices. The Food Project’s community develops youth leaders, connects people to the land, teaches people about their food system, and empowers all towards personal and social change. Liz developed replication strategies, and processes that capture the organization’s management, operational, and educational systems, to bring this innovative model to communities nationwide. She also managed a national training program to share this organizational knowledge.
Liz received an MBA from Babson College’s Franklin W. Olin Graduate School of Business, and a BA from the Rochester Institute of Technology’s Saunders College of Business.