Donella Meadows Leadership Fellows
We convene and strengthen the impact of a talented network of sustainability champions from around the world who practice environmental, social and economic sustainability from a whole systems approach. Our Fellows are graduates of the Donella Meadows Leadership Fellows Program, and are well versed in the disciplines of systems thinking, organizational learning, reflective conservation, visioning and creative expression.
Josephine Brennan
Sustainable Value Creation Ltd.
Founding Director
East Twickenham, United Kingdom
Michaelyn Bachhuber Baur
Managing Director, Central America and the Caribbean
Burlington, Vermont
Karabi Acharya
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Director, Global Ideas for US Solutions
William Young
US Air Force Warfare Center.
Lieutenant Colonel & Special Advisor to the Commander
Cambridge, Massachusetts
John Mlade
Wight & Company
Senior Project Manager, Sustainable and Healthy Environments
Chicago, Illinois
Tse-Sung Wu
Nektar Therapeutics
Director, Research Program Management
San Francisco, California
Antoinette Royo
The International Land and Forest Tenure Facility
Executive Director
Stockholm, Sweden
Marcelo Michelsohn
Madron & Michelsohn Consultancy in Organizational Systems
Sustainability Consultant and Process Facilitator
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Maria Latumahina
Climate Change Unit, UK Department for International Development
Independent Consultant
Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
John Fisk
Henry A. Wallace Center, Winrock International
Director of Strategy and Partnerships
Arlington, Virginia
Catharina Any Sulistyowati
Kuncup Padang Ilalang (KAIL)
Coordinator for Youth Program and Sustainable Community Initiative
Bandung, Indonesia
Phonchan (Newey) Kraiwatnutsorn
School of Changemakers
Founder and Managing Director
Bangkok, Thailand
Jennifer Mayer
King County Metro
Program Manager, Equity and Social Justice Capital Implementation
Seattle, WA
Sarah K Khan
Freelance multimedia journalist, writer, researcher
New York City, New York
Julia Novy
Stanford University
Professor of Practice, Change Leadership for Sustainability Program
Portland, Oregon
Brooke Simler Smith
The Kavli Foundation
Director, Public Engagement with Science
Los Angeles, CA
Matt Roman
Varroc Lighting Corporation
Global Plant Engineering and Construction Manager
Beverly Hills, Michigan
Anna Jones-Crabtree
Vilicus Farms
Owner/Farmer, Vilicus Farms & Executive Director, Vilicus Training Institute
Helena, Montana
Sally McGee
The Nature Conservancy
Director, Climate and Strategic Initiatives
Mystic, Connecticut
Maria de los Angeles Carvajal (Machángeles)
SuMar, Choices for Nature
Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico
Amália Souza
Socio-Environmental Fund - CASA
Co-Founder & Senior Advisor
Cunha, São Paulo, Brazil
Terrie Lind
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte (PPMM)
Associate Vice President of Teen Programs
Sacramento, California
Elizabeth Luc Clowes
Delivering Sustainable Projects from Concept to Construction
Landscape Designer & Owner
Boston, Massachusetts
Susanne Moser
Susanne Moser Research and Consulting
Director and Principal Researcher
Santa Cruz, California
Laura Freeman
Mt. Folly Farm & Laura’s Lean Beef Company
Founder, Farmer, and Entrepreneur
Winchester, Kentucky and Vineyard Haven, Massachusetts
Lynn Stoddard
Institute for Sustainable Energy at Eastern Connecticut State University
Executive Director
Willimantic, Connecticut
Elizabeth Soderstrom
The Water Foundation
Strategic Partnerships Officer
Nevada City, California
Michelle Miller
Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems - University of Wisconsin – Madison
Associate Director
Madison, Wisconsin
Michael Dupee
Global Sustainability and Innovation Executive
Entrepreneur, Educator
Shelburne, Vermont
Rachel Bagby
Advisor & Culture Change Partner
Vocal and Social Artist, Keynote Speaker, Composer
Charlottesville, Virginia
Lorie Loeb
TellEmotion, Inc
Co-Founder and President; DALI Lab, Co-Founder and Executive Director; Dartmouth College, Professor, Director of Digital Arts
Hartland, Vermont