Amália is Co-Founder and Senior Advisor of CASA Socio-Environmental Fund, with the mission to promote environmental conservation and sustainability, democracy and social justice by supporting and strengthening the capacities and initiatives of civil society in South America. CASA gives...
Founder of Laura’s Lean Beef Company and Mt. Folly Enterprises, Laura Freeman is part of the regenerative agriculture movement, wedded to the local food and local economy movement. “Starting in 1985, I was one of the first to raise...
Nonette actively bridges indigenous peoples and local community actors, their governments and institutions in key ecosystems, including forest, agroforest landscapes, in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. She provides support to strong national groups, focusing on land rights and land...
Lorie Loeb works at the intersection of design, technology and society. Her work focuses on presenting information in ways that create an emotional connection to data in order to increase impact and motivate people to change behavior. Lorie is...
Virginia had an illustrious career in the conservation field. After serving on various planning commissions around New England and as a policy analyst, writer and editor for the VT Agency of Natural Resources, Virginia began her 20-year career with the...
Marcelo’s life is dedicated to questioning pre-determined structures and practices of our current culture, finding out and engaging in experiences that provide a new way of living and then sharing this experience with a larger audience, that would otherwise...
Maria has spent most of her professional life working on marine and coastal conservation in the Gulf of California. Before co-founding SuMar, where she is responsible for public relations and fundraising, she spent 16 years with Conservational International, much...
Danielle Hirsch worked for three years in Mexico, Paraguay and Kenya during and after her studies in Economics. In 1995 she started working as an international consultant, working for governments and international agencies in Central and South Asia, Latin...
Natalie has nearly thirty years of experience in sustainable materials management including twenty five years with DSM Environmental where she is a Principal. Natalie has worked to improve resource recovery, solid waste management and sanitation throughout the United States...