Archive for Term: Agriculture and Food

headshot of Elizabeth Luc Clowes

Elizabeth Luc Clowes

Elizabeth is an innovative and analytical landscape designer with experience in creating sustainable and harmonized landscapes. She is engaged in real time lessons of thriving urban plazas, smart growth, multimodal transport, and community engagement as a resident of Davis...

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headshot of Evelyn Arce

Evelyn Arce

Evelyn Arce Erickson, is of Colombian Indigenous Muisca descent and is the Founder of a new business called Coastal Escape HMB ( She works with high tech companies like Facebook, Ford and Ancestry in designing team activities for their annual off-site strategic...

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headshot of Josephine Brennan

Josephine Brennan

Josephine is a corporate sustainable investment strategist, sustainable business architect and founder of Sustainable Value Creation Ltd, a consultancy focused on supporting transformation of the global economy to within a safe operating space for humanity. Josephine has over 15...

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headshot of Michelle Miller

Michelle Miller

Michelle, part of the first Donella Meadows Fellows cohort, is at the UW-Madison Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems, the campus sustainable agriculture research center where she directs programs. She is a practicing economic anthropologist engaged in participatory action research...

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headshot of Rachel Bagby

Rachel Bagby

Rachel is an advisor and instigator of cultural change, directing her work through poetry, music, and civil empowerment. She serves as a facilitator and leadership consultant for the Rockwood Leadership Institute, and for Cultivating Women’s Leadership. Rachel helps guide...

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headshot of Sally McGee

Sally McGee

Sally McGee works for the Nature Conservancy where she is the Director for Climate and Strategic Initiatives. Some of her areas of work include the Shellfish Growers Climate Coalition, Sustaining Oyster Aquaculture and Restoration (SOAR), and restorative seaweed aquaculture...

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heasdshot of Shanna Ratner

Shanna Ratner

Shanna is a semi-retired researcher, writer, and trainer, with 35 years of experience specializing in rural economic and community development throughout the United States with some experience in developing countries. Through her company, Yellow Wood Associates, she has worked...

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headshot of Steven Smith

Steven Smith

For twelve years the Iowa Network for Community Agriculture (INCA) has been fostering connections between farmers and community members who are growing sustainable local food systems in the state. Steve works to assure that each system is shaped and...

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headshot of Sudha Soni

Sudha Soni

Sudha has been engaged for more than 20 years in the development/environment/sustainability sectors and is currently the Chief Functionary of The Environment Collaborative. TEC believes in working collaboratively and networking with similar organizations to bring about social change and...

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