Greetings and Happy Almost Spring! I’m sure many of you, like myself, have been searching for grounding, steadfastness in the face of chaos, and connection these past few weeks – with each other, with the natural world, and within ourselves. Even amid...
At the second Purpose Quest we listened. The three-day retreat was designed to reconnect participants with their deeper motives and renew their leadership for sustainability, climate solutions and social transformation. The scene was serene and lush, with the stillness of the pond reflecting the...
Greetings and Happy New Year! The start of a fresh new year fills me with hope, potential for all that can be, and optimism that we can navigate our way through the challenges in front of us. There is so much in our...
In the lush rainforest of the Costa Rican jungle, a group of 22 Donella Meadows Fellows, systems thinkers, biomimics, and sustainability champions gathered at Brave Earth (Tierra Valiente) for six days of immersive workshops. Participants brought the teachings of their life experiences to...
Pioneer Chinese wildlife biologist Simba Zhuo Qiang visited Dartmouth Collage as a guest lecturer on April 7th, 2023, to present “A New Model for Wildlife Habitat Protection in Africa.” Hosted by Dartmouth Professor of Biological Sciences Eric Schaller and son of Simba’s mentor...
Netherlands-based Donella Meadows Leadership Fellow Danielle Hirsch was recently profiled by Inside Philanthropy on how she is using philanthropy and advocacy to challenge power dynamics. As a participant in the Donella Meadows Leadership Fellows Program, Danielle traveled to Vermont four times over the course...
Confronting the challenges of global climate crisis and disruptive change, leaders can be most effective by drawing upon a deeper purpose. Grounding oneself in purpose helps one to more consistently navigate and harness the swirling emotions that we increasingly see...
from Anna Jones-Crabtree During my Donella Meadows Fellowship at Sustainability Leaders Network I visioned a farm. It was all so real sitting upstairs in the common house at Cobb Hill… 14 seasons later, that vision manifested into caring for 12,500 acres in the...
The New Hampshire Network Plastics Working Group has been meeting for more than a year to take action reducing plastic waste and pollution in New Hampshire and the surrounding communities. Our 52 members comprise educators, researchers, business and policy analysts, artists, community leaders,...