Touching the Mystery — Join us in Tuscany, Italy April 15-19



Greetings and Happy Almost Spring!

I’m sure many of you, like myself, have been searching for grounding, steadfastness in the face of chaos, and connection these past few weeks – with each other, with the natural world, and within ourselves. Even amid this political and social turbulence, there is still so much good in the world – good that requires our attention, our cultivation, and our commitment. In times like these, gathering in an intentional space of reflection and purpose can be a powerful act of resilience and renewal.

That is why I’m excited to announce the upcoming Sustainability Leaders Network retreat, hosted alongside our partners Triple Value Leadership and Island of Knowledge. Together we are offering Touching the Mystery: How to Lead in a Mindful Universe, a three-day immersive Purpose Quest in Tuscany, Italy from April 15 to 19, 2025.

Advancements in science are offering a new perspective: we inhabit a profoundly interconnected, ever-evolving, and participatory Universe. This perspective rekindles a sense of mystery and highlights humanity’s unique and purposeful role within it. We are inviting a select group of visionary leaders to delve into the implications of this emerging worldview for leadership. Together, we will explore how we can reshape society, public service, and business to create a brighter, more sustainable future for our extraordinary, one-of-a-kind planet.

At the crossroads of science, contemplative wisdom, and intuitive insight, this exclusive retreat offers participants a unique opportunity to explore the meaning of this new scientific perspective for their own leadership journey. Through an immersive experience, expert faculty will guide participants in uncovering transformative insights, enabling them to personally connect with the mystery, power and potential it reveals.

Learn more and register here, or email me at for more information.


Tuscany, Italy

Located in the heart of Tuscany, this retreat will be hosted at Island of Knowledge, a center for human flourishing, designed to inspire a world-changing mindset for a better planetary future.

We believe that profoundly immersive threshold experiences are gateways toward heightened personal growth, meaningful sense-making, and purposeful leadership.

Founded by the award-winning scientist, professor, and author Marcelo Gleiser and his
wife Kari Gleiser, a clinical psychologist and senior faculty at the AEDP Institute, Island of Knowledge promotes powerful encounters between people and knowledge, combining self-discovery, science, and multifaceted disciplines in an intimate and inspiring setting.


Purpose Quest Framework

The Purpose Quest methodology, rooted in time-honored wisdom traditions, offers participants a transformative pathway to gain fresh perspectives on deeply held questions and unlock new energy to achieve their aspirations. This journey unfolds through the exploration of three levels of awareness: thinking, feeling, and being.

Over a three-day immersive experience, participants engage in nature-based reflection, meditation, poetry, self-exploration, and intimate group dialogues. This transformative process strengthens their inner resources, empowering them to navigate and address the complex challenges of our time.

By the retreat’s conclusion, participants begin to envision their future impact, forming a community of practice for ongoing inquiry. This emerging network connects them with a global community of change leaders, fostering collaboration and sustained transformation.

As with the pilgrims of the past, join us at the birthplace of the Renaissance for an experience that will reshape worldviews, inspire deep change, and lead to a cathartic rejuvenation of your mission as a human, and as a global leader and thinker.


“The Purpose Quest was such a transformative opening for me. I feel connected to the natural world in new and powerful ways. I emerged with a stronger foundation; a more direct connection to the Earth; and clarity about where I will get energy for the work ahead. I am perfectly on my path. It’s just what I needed.” 

– Kristen Kimball, CEO, Clean Energy Communities Fund



Program Schedule and Registration:

April 15, 17:00 – Arrival for dinner and welcome session

April 16: Orientation, systems thinking overview, creating the container

April 17: Breakthrough questions and preparation for the Purpose Quest

April 18: Purpose Quest, immersion in nature, reflection & debrief

April 19: Vision exercises for going forward; re-integration and embarking


Register now for this immersive journey, but please note that registration is limited to 12 participants, so we encourage you to sign up early!


Participation Fee: € 2,000 excluding VAT

Includes all materials, venue, lunches, dinners and snacks.
Lodging is separate; upon registering we will send you a list of local lodging options.


Please email me with any questions. I am also available for private coaching for sustainability, climate solutions and personal wellness and sustainability. I look forward to hearing from you!

With gratitude for all that each of you do to bring about a just, vibrant and life-sustaining world,


Edie Farwell
Executive Director
Sustainability Leaders Network

